Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Health Care Calls

Today, the National Education Association, including all her state affiliates are being asked to contact the US House of Representatives about the need to pass health care reform. The NEA belongs to a giant health care advocacy coalition called Health Care for America Now (HCAN). It is under the aegis of HCAN that the calls are being made. I have pasted the information below. Please call Congressman Castle and ask him to vote for health care for all:

Help us get 50,000 contacts to Congress today!

Call 1-877-264-HCAN (4226)*
The health care reform bill being voted on in the House this week will save you an average of $2,800 per year.1 That bill says those who make more than a quarter of a million dollars a year should help pay for reform by rolling back Bush's tax cuts by just 1%.

Can you call your Representative today and tell them to stand up for health care?
Here is a sample of what you can say:
• Press 1 to be connected to your Representative.
• Please be polite. Ask to talk with someone who can speak to the Representative’s position on health care.
I’m calling from Health Care for America Now to make sure that Rep. Castle knows that we need real health care reform in 2009.
The House health care bill, H.R. 3200, will provide quality, affordable health care for all with good benefits and affordable costs.
Health care can’t wait, please vote for H.R. 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act, before you leave for vacation.


  1. I made my call - thanks to your reminder on this blog!

  2. Hi Tim,
    How does this bill save me an average of $2800 per year?

  3. Hi Mrs. E,
    The figure comes from a study by the Commonwealth Fund looking at a 10 year projected trend from 2010 to 2020. Without any action, costs are projected to increase by 6.5% each year.

    In simple terms, the public plan forces overall costs down with tighter payment rates to providers and the public plan also puts competitive pressure on private insurance carriers.
